Lucky for us, our Contractor's Sub for painting is a craftsman in his own right and seems to know everything about paint. He's been at his craft for 30 years. Although the Sub has several employees, he stained the doors, himself. He still has one more coat of varnish to apply, after a light sanding, but they're a timeless addition to our home.
We selected, what would have been the same style, original to the house. Even though we have no proof there was ever a 3-light door on our house, there are plenty of original examples throughout the neighborhood, specific to Arts & Crafts Bungalows. One thing I'm certain of, however, the door would have been made of solid Fir.
The selection of the handleset was a compromise between 1920's and modern day style. The sectional style (i.e. deadbolt and handle being separate) was a standard configuration sans a mortise vs. tubular (today's standard) lock and latch assembly. The Colonial style was, also, the standard for entry sectional handlesets. Coincidentally, the new exterior locks are manufactured locally!
I have been dead set on installing a full view (all glass w/ the ability to change out the insert with a full screen) storm door, but, after seeing the door installed and stained, I'm having second thoughts...