Sunday, March 3, 2019

Pre-move Visit

As we get closer to our move this Summer, we're making a few visits to get things in order.  Slowly, although fast for us, we're making progress on selecting furniture. We had a few scheduled deliveries, as well as, a somewhat impromptu purchase of a lounging chair for the living room and a solid Birch table/chairs for our breakfast area.  We, actually, feel like humans getting to enjoy our living room sitting on actual furniture!  And, eating at a table, instead of plates carefully balanced on our laps, is a major improvement!

We dealt with our first house repair in the kitchen.  I discovered a puddle of water in the basement utility room next to the hot water heater. Initially, my biggest fear of envisioning a large repair bill became less of an issue once I traced the leak back to the kitchen sink faucet. It's interesting how water always finds the path of least resistance and follows gravity.  After a plumbing supply store visit to attempt to repair (cartridge replacement) the existing faucet and several  trips to the local hardware store, we now have a new, but the least expensive, kitchen faucet. The store visits and installation didn't come without challenges, but I'm grateful the problem was fixed without calling a plumber.

Several remodeling contractors visited and we did our best to convey our vision for the kitchen and bathroom.  After having renovated a kitchen and two bathrooms in our current house, I'm in no mood to do it on my own, again. Instead, we'd like to begin enjoying the house before the year's end with less emotional drudgery of doing the work ourselves. We'll be waiting anxiously over the next few weeks for the quotes and, possibly, timelines.  There will be more work to do in the house, which I'll detail in a future post, but we'll approach most of that ourselves, as time allows. 

A few pics below with the first one showing the true color of the door hinges--the previous pics would lead one to believe they were brass.

Living Room window

Living Room windows